Together again..! September 2021-April 2022

Last September saw the long-awaited return to singing together LIVE, at last. We spent the first 4 sessions in the open air which although singing outside is not ideal, there were certain unexpected advantages! Not only were we just glad to be together again and able to chat and catch up with old friends, but we also got to sing with the blackbirds and the robins, we saw some beautiful sunsets and even spotted the odd bat at twilight. And once it got dark, the torches were switched on and it felt as though we could’ve been sitting around a campfire! 

But once October came it was both too dark and too cold to be sitting outside and we returned to our regular rehearsal spaces. And that’s when we really felt the joy of singing together.

At the end of November, Soundbytes were finally able to perform their first concert in exactly 2 years. At the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, it was short but very sweet! Only 6 songs to present but boy they were joyous and heartfelt. And we were lucky enough to have a good size audience of around 140 AND still managed to raise £1200 for The Conservatory Club – Dementia Care in Surrey, who were delighted and most grateful.

And since then we’ve enjoyed the spring term of 2022 together AND had another concert at the APMH. This time there were around 170 in the audience and we raised £1,300 for Home Start EE&B – bringing help to families with young children who need it most.

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