Wednesdays, 7.30-9 pm
8 sessions per term
£70 for the term
Would you like to sing in a choir? Whether you’re new to singing, used to sing many years ago or looking for a new challenge, come and sing with the Decibelles in the company of other like-minded women from in and around Bookham.
Book your first FREE session NOW
Click here to register your interest
You are welcome to try your first session
without an obligation to join.
No audition and no need to read music, Decibelles’ rehearsals are relaxed and informal. The choir sings for the pure enjoyment of singing songs in harmony together with the occasional small performance – for example to the local WI groups or Christmas Songs in Bookham High Street’s Spirit of Christmas events.
Decibelles sing a wide range of songs, usually as two to three-part harmonies, but some in unison and some as rounds. The songs are a range of pop, folk, traditional and world music. The choir sing as Soprano 1’s, Soprano 2’s and Altos but sometimes merge or split differently or all sing as one part. If anyone is unsure if they are a Sop 1, Sop 2 or an alto, the choir leader will help new members to decide which is the best for their vocal range.
Although there is no need to read music in detail, some knowledge is helpful. The choral leader gives tips on reading music and singing techniques. The sessions start with warm-ups for the body and singing voice which are always entertaining and prepare the choir for the session.
You will be provided with music sheets for the songs via the Dropbox created for the choir, from which choir members either print or access Dropbox on a tablet or phone to see the music at the session.
Held at:
Eastwick Road Church Hall
Eastwick Road,
Bookham. KT23 4BE
Decibelles was named and founded in January 2017 when a group of Great Bookham Belles WI members decided to set up an informal choir to sing together for fun. Hazel Hannam has been the choir leader since January 2017. Decibelles is a choir of approximately 30 members and welcomes people who would like to join an additional choir, return to singing, or want to try something new or different. The choir welcomes ladies from other local WI’s and there are many members who are not WI members, who are similarly keen to learn and enjoy singing in a group.
For more information email Hazel or telephone, 07855 344356